Found 4 resources for the concept:
Scientific knowledge informs public policies and regulations that promote our health, safety, and environmental stewardship.
Ancient bones, modern problems: One scientist’s trash is another scientist’s data
Grade Level(s):
- 9-12
- College
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- research profile
- Science Story
- Life Science
Time: 20 minutes
Learn how scientists reuse and upcycle their data, while following graduate student Maria Viteri as she investigates ancient and modern small mammal communities. Get tips for using science stories in class.
Hydrogeology: Learning by discovery in an urban environment
Grade Level(s):
- College
- On the Cutting Edge
Resource type:
- field-based investigation
- Earth science
Time: Quarter-long project
This is an example of a student-driven, instructor-guided field experiments on a budget. Schools that cater to under-represented students are often those with limited resources, however, student-driven discovery in the field is an effective tool for engaging students in the natural environment and in hydrogeology. Effective strategies for addressing the special needs of urban students are included.
Ozone depletion: Uncovering the hidden hazard of hairspray
Grade Level(s):
- College
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Science Story
- Earth science
- Physical Sciences
Time: 2 hours
Follow a group of scientists from around the world as they work together to understand - and then help fix - a problem that threatens the future of the planet: a hole in the ozone layer. Get tips for using science stories in class.
Predicting insects’ response to climate change
Grade Level(s):
- 9-12
- College
- UC Museum of Paleontology
Resource type:
- Science Story
- Life Science
Time: 5 min
This Science Short illustrates the practical applications of scientific knowledge in the context of research about fossil insects. Get tips on using Science Stories in class.